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Monday, October 3, 2011

The Most Educated Founding Father Was Orthodox Christian Hugh Williamson

Williamson was a genius. I would call him an evangelical, but I can't find any of his writings. All I found was a quote from his good friend Dr. Hosack:
As might be expected because of his trade and education his manners, though in some respects eccentric, were generally those of a polite gentleman. Occasionally, however, when he met with persons who either displayed great ignorance, want of moral character, or a disregard to religious truth, he expressed his feelings in such a manner, as distinctly to show that they had no claim to his respect. To such, both his language and manners might be considered abrupt, if not possessing a degree of what might be denominated Johnsonian rudeness.
Williamson was born in Pennsylvania 1735, living a long allustrious life ending at the age of 83. His parents were Scoth-Irish Calvinists, who wanted their eldest son to be a Divine. During his voyage to America from Ireland, their ship was captured by Blackbeard. What an adventure that would have been for a young lad. Dr. Hosack relates early in life, Williamson was very zealous as to morality and religion, attending Dr. Alison's seminary. He was an expert in mathematics, attending the first class at the college of Philadelphia, where he received his Bachelor of Arts in 1757. The school then hired him in their Latin and English schools. His goal was to become a minister, as he studied divinity for two years, and was licensed to preach. Williamson was then admitted as a member to the Presbytery of Philadelphia, although he was never ordained.

He apparently had bad lungs, could not speak publicly very well, abrubtly left the ministry because of the division within the Presbyterian Church. He received his Master's Degree in 1760, becoming Professor of Mathematics at the College of Philadelphia, resigned three years later, and left for Europe to become a Doctor. Williamson's quest for knowledge did not stop, having then studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh, and traveled to Utrecht, Holland, to receive his Doctor of Medicine.

Doctor Williamson's life of service is impeccable--a hero to the citizens of North Carolina in the Revolutionary War. He was anti-slavery, a major contributor to Rufus King's Northwest Ordinance. Moreover, Williamson received a Doctor of Laws at the University of Leyden, in Germany. His observations on climate affirm Biblical Inerrancy, the flood, the Exodus, etc.

Was not this most learned man a Divine? Did he not sign the Constitution? Although Witherspoon may be the only Founding Father ordained, was not Williamson licensed to Preach? We should add the name Williamson to that list.


Anonymous said...

Several of Hugh Williamson's works are available here:
Scroll to his entry near the bottom of the page.

Our Founding Truth said...

It is disheartening Hugh Williamson is not a common name as Thomas Jefferson is. He was the most brilliant, most learned Statesman this country has ever had, and people don't even know his name. He was a Doctor of Medicine, Law, and an expert in science, chemistry, geology, divinity--you name it.

I loathe my ignorance of his awesome life. In his commentary on the Constitution, he tells us our rights are the context of the States.