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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Another Op-Ed From University of Chicago Law Professor Geoffrey Stone on Easter Sunday

Laurie Higgins has written a common sense article in the Chicago Tribune on Geoffrey Stone's "The crazy imaginings of the Texas Board of Education," which sought to warn an unsuspecting America that there is "a coterie of Christian evangelicals who are attempting to infiltrate our educational system to brainwash our youth."

Stone's knowledge of the Founding Fathers is typical of our leaders, and University Professors, however, the analogy Higgins makes is noteworthy:
It has become so commonplace to read denigrating comments about Christians that the offensiveness of such comments barely registers on our tolerance meters. Imagine hearing these words come from the mouth of a professor at a leading American university on Passover: "a coterie of Reform Jews is attempting to infiltrate our educational system to brainwash our youth." Or imagine these words appearing in the Trib on Eid al-Fitr, the Islamic celebration that concludes Ramadan: "a coterie of Muslims is attempting to infiltrate our educational system to brainwash our youth."

Stone's words almost sound bigoted and intolerant. When you look around at our leftist-dominated educational system, his words are laughable.

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