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Monday, February 27, 2017

J.Q. Adams

"I have seen nothing in the glories of this World, nothing in the pride of human learning which should make me ashamed of the Cross of Christ—My Judgment therefore has confirmed the Prejudice of my Education—My idea of Inspiration, as applied to the Scriptures is neither very clear nor very definite—That in the composition of parts of the Sacred Books, the Writers were actuated by a preternatural interposition of the divine power, I believe, because it is expressly declared by the Writers themselves, and because I cannot disbelieve it without rejecting the whole Bible as an imposture."
--J. Q. Adams

Jon Rowe posted this on his website, but it may not prove Adams denied biblical inerrancy since he contradicts himself. If only parts of the bible are inspired, he then rejects the whole, violating his own claim that "I cannot disbelieve it without rejecting the whole Bible as an imposture." By only believing parts, he is rejecting the whole.